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How Collaborative Law helps manage Emotions in Divorce

How Collaborative Law helps manage Emotions in Divorce

Many couples who experience the challenge of divorce or separation believe that it’s just the legalities that need to be managed and resolved. Most people going through divorce are aware they are feeling emotionally strained – hurt, angry, fearful and sad – but they try to stifle those feelings in order to get on with the practicalities of ending the relationship.

This does not take into account the profound nature of human emotions, for a divorce is not just legal; it is emotional also. And when the emotions are not managed sensitively and appropriately it can have a very negative impact on the legal actions and decisions needed.

“…for a divorce is not just legal; it is emotional also”

At Sharp Family Law in Bath and Bristol, I see many men and women who are struggling to stay focused at a time when they are being asked to make important decisions about their lives. They need to be understood not judged and they need solutions not increased conflict. As a trained collaborative solicitor, I am encouraged to see that there is an option out there that will tick all of these boxes and many more.

Collaborative Law is designed to help those going through divorce and separation take a positive step towards reaching agreement whilst maintaining relationships. Couples are invited to sit down together with their collaboratively trained lawyers in a safe environment where they will be:

  • Listened to and supported,
  • Encouraged to communicate their priorities and fears.
  • Helped to actively seek creative solutions that work for them and the family.

Lawyers give information and advice in an open and transparent way so the interests of the couple are upheld.Relationship Therapists, Child Specialists and Financial Neutrals help the couple manage the emotional and financial issues that arise. They work as a team with the lawyers, committed to problem solving and achieving unique outcomes for the family as a whole.

There is no doubt that divorce and separation can be a painful experience and one that we would wish to avoid. However, where it is unavoidable then Collaborative Law can be integral in alleviating that pain so that the emotions do not threaten to exacerbate the legal actions that need to be taken.

If you want to learn more about how Collaborative Law may help you handle your divorce contact Clare Webb at Sharp Family Law in Bath & Bristol on 01225 448955


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