Legal issues which involve your family are very challenging to deal with, no matter what your personal circumstances might be. The situation can become even more complicated if you aren’t sure where to turn to for legal support and guidance. If you are facing a family law matter such as a divorce, or dispute over arrangements for your children, then you need to make sure that the various obstacles facing you are handled sensitively and sensibly.
At Sharp Family Law, our team of expert family law solicitors in Frome appreciate how important it is for such matters to be handled in the correct manner. No matter what, we will always work alongside you every step of the way with a clear focus on achieving positive results outside of court wherever possible. This saves you from having to go through potentially damaging and costly litigation proceedings.
No matter how complex your family law issue may appear, our team always prioritise the preservation of the important family relationships you have built up, keeping things non-acrimonious wherever possible. We achieve this by utilising a range of different approaches which reduce the potential for conflict, such as constructive negotiation, collaborative law and mediation.
Sharp Family Law is committed to providing access to legal advice and assistance for everyone in whatever way is most convenient for our clients.
Our family lawyers in Frome accept work in person and electronically, by email or by filesharing on numerous platforms. We offer conferences in person at our offices and by Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and FaceTime or other video systems, or by telephone.
To arrange an initial meeting with our family law solicitors in Frome, whether that is in person or electronically, please give us a call or use our simple online enquiry form to request a call back.
Our family law services in Frome
Divorce & Separation
Having to go through a divorce is an immeasurably difficult experience. This remains true whether you are initiating, or are responding to, proceedings. Our family law solicitors in Frome have substantial experience and expertise in guiding couples who are divorcing to make the best possible long-term and short-term decisions
We can give you clear, step-by-step guidance in relation to the legal processes involved in divorce and separation, focusing on reaching an amicable agreement without the need to attend court.
Divorce and finance
Making arrangements for your finances during divorce proceedings can be a prickly subject, with the potential for disruptive disputes. That is why the right legal advice is absolutely essential.
Our divorce and finance solicitors in Frome take a constructive approach to legal issues associated with finances, which means you and your former partner can work to reach a settlement which is in everybody’s best interests.
We have a wide range of expertise related to divorce and finances, including in relation to divorce and property.
Children and parenting
If you have children, they will always be your number one priority when it comes to making arrangements following a divorce. You will no doubt want to make sure that their wellbeing is taken care of, but this also needs to be balanced with your rights and responsibilities as a parent.
Our children and parenting solicitors in Frome offer tailored advice so you can be sure that you are making the best possible decisions for your children. We use our expertise in this area to reduce the potential for any disputes between you and your former partner, helping to promote a harmonious environment for your children.
Cohabiting & unmarried Couples
It is increasingly common for couples to live together without being married. Many people believe that the concept of ‘common law marriage’ will give them the same legal protections as married couples, this is nothing more than a myth. Unmarried couples do not have any rights to each other’s assets if they separate.
This is why creating cohabitation agreement is essential for many couples, as it can legally confirm certain practicalities of your relationship. Our family law solicitors in Frome can work with you to create a cohabitation agreement that gives you and your partner peace of mind for the future, reducing the potential for any disagreements.
Our team can also help you and your partner to create a prenuptial agreement (prenup) if you are soon to be married, or a separation agreement if you plan to stop living together.
How we help resolve to family law matters in Frome
Collaborative law
Collaborative law takes families away from the emotionally fraught setting of court and instead focuses on private negotiations which take place away from prying eyes.
The process involves both you and your former partner, as well as your legal representatives working together to reach a voluntary agreement on the practical details of the family law matter. For example, this might include making arrangements for your finances or deciding on what will happen to your children.
Collaborative law proceedings are governed by a Collaborative Agreement, signed by all the relevant parties and their lawyers. Importantly, this agreement prevents the same lawyers from representing their clients in court, should an agreement not be reached. This helps to make sure that everyone is committed to making the process a success.
Constructive Negotiation
Our Constructive Negotiation solicitors in Frome can bring families together to participate in round-the-table discussions, focusing on achieving an out-of-court settlement. These discussions are completed before the prospect of litigation is even on the cards.
During Constructive Negotiation, a detailed discussion is held which is centred around the individual circumstances related to your family law matter. From here, a tailored strategy will be devised which is designed to reach the best possible solution in a non-acrimonious manner.
The stress of court intervention often causes families to make inappropriate decisions in relation to their circumstances. By contrast, constructive negotiation allows families to find the time and space to seek out creative solutions, discussing a wide range of options which allows both parties to achieve their future goals.
The Constructive Negotiation process not only relies on getting to grips with your own goals, but it also helps to you to better understand what your former partner’s ambitions are. This significantly reduces the chances of miscommunication and conflict.
Family meditation
Family mediation involves family members gathering to discuss a specific matter over a series of meetings, with the assistance of a neutral family mediator. The role of the mediator is simply to mediate and nothing more. They are present at meetings to identify the potential issues which are preventing you from reaching an agreement and explore the alternative options available to you.
Richard Sharp, Senior Partner at Sharp Family Law, has 25 years’ experience helping couples and families to solve a wide range of issues through family mediation.
Court litigation
Sometimes, it is not possible to avoid court proceedings, even after multiple alternative methods of dispute resolution have been explored. Whether it is because of a contested financial matter or a child support issue, heading to court may be the most strategic step forward.
If court litigation appears to be the most logical approach for you to achieve a positive outcome, our solicitors can offer robust representation and close personal support. With us by your side, you will be able to come out of the other side, ready to start the next chapter in your life.
Get in touch with our family law solicitors in Frome
To arrange an initial meeting with our family law solicitors in Frome, whether that be in person or electronically, please give us a call or use our simple online enquiry form to request a call back.